Friday, September 23, 2011

Week numero dos!

Hello Hello!

First off I have to congratulate my big sister, Stephanie, on graduating from college tonight. It has been a long road and I am super proud of her! Love you big sister! <3 <3

This week at school seemed to fly right passed me. I knew before I came here that my time abroad was going to go really really fast, but I didn't think it was going to go this fast. On September 29th (my birthday!) I will have been in Australia for a month!(okay, technically I did not get here till August 31st but those are minor details) That is absolutely insane!!! But a good insane at that :)

Alright so here is the run down of my week. Nothing to exciting, but let alone another week in an unfamiliar yet spectacular place.
Sunday: Sunday night I went to the Bondstock launch party. Bondstock is like the equivalent of homecoming, but not really. It is a week long event full of partying, (yes that is pretty much all we do at this school, just kidding!) music, class, and other activities. In the middle of the week there is a huge music festival to celebrate. At the launch party it was like being a little kid again. There was spinning teacups, a bouncy house, cotton candy, games, and music. It was like I was 5 years old again. 

Monday-wednesday: These days are not very interesting. I just went to class, went running on the beach, and just chilled. However, on tuesday in my wine studies class, we finally got to do some wine tasting. The only homework I get in this class, oddly enough, is to go out and taste wines (see previous post, Bond Uni week one, for why this is encouraged). 

My parents asked me the other day if I have been doing my homework and yes mom and dad I have! 
But, really all of my classes are really hands on so homework is not really given.

Thursday: I went to my sport coaching class, and then went over to my friend Steph's house before we caught the bus for Bondstock. Bondstock is just like a normal music festival/concert (like Winstock, Jingle Ball, or Star Party), but its DJ's and one or 2 bands. It was a lot of fun! 

Besides going to class and music festivals I have been in the process of planning my 21st birthday bash. Yup, it is going to be huge! I will be doing all of the normal 21st birthday things, but on October 1st I will be celebrating my birthday in a different way. I will be going sky diving! I am super excited!! So keep checking back for posts about my birthday week!

Well friends that is all for this time! I will leave you with this picture that was taken before the pub crawl last week.
Pub Crawl 113. Authentic. 
Hope all is well!
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bond Uni: week 1

This is paradise.

Hello hello!
I made it through my first week of classes! My classes are truly amazing and the week went by so fast. So here is a quick recap of my classes and the other things I did during the week.

-Quick note: Classes at Bond Uni are broken down into lecture and tutorial. Each typically meet once a week, but tutorial is just a smaller group where they go over readings and assignments.

I start off the week with Australian History on Monday's and then have tutorial on Tuesdays. Lecture went really fast. The professor knows her stuff and she seems like a really nice lady. I however am not a huge history fan, but so far this stuff is interesting. We did not have tutorial this week because it is the first week of class.

Tuesdays are my longest day where I have class from 9am-9pm. I do have 2 three hour breaks which is nice. I start off the day with my TV studio class. I love this class! The teachers are not professors and actually have worked in the TV and Film industry since the 1960's. They are awesome and make the class a lot of fun. It is really interesting learning the different roles it takes in order to produce a TV show. At the end of the semester, actually Thanksgiving weekend (they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here) I will be one of many students producing the annual Bond University Television and Film awards. I'm a little bummed I won't be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my roommates, but I'm really excited for the event!
After this class I have a 3 hour break and then my Australian History tutorial, followed by another 3 hour break. From 6-9pm I have my wine studies class. The teacher is from the wine industry and not a professor also. This class is going to be amazing. We get to drink/taste test wine every other week, and by the end of the class everyone is going to be very in touch with their senses as one of our tests is where we will have a glass of white wine and a glass of red wine put in front of us and we have to write down everything we know about it. A little intimidating but it should be fun. I truly will be a wine connoisseur by the time the course is over.

On Wednesday I have my TV studio practical for 4 hours. This week we got hands on experience being a director, directors assistant, floor manager, video board switcher, sound and audio person, interviewer, interviewee, and camera operators. It was so much fun! I think Wednesday is going to be my favorite day of the week.

On Thursday's I only have my sport coaching lecture and tutorial. There are only 10 people in this class. This class is also going to be very hands on which is nice. The teacher is a coach for the local rugby team here and not a professor.

I only have class Monday-Thursday and usually hit up the beach on Friday's. I'm living a pretty laid back life right now which is awesome!

Now for the weekly update!
This week has been filled with school, school, and more school. The majority of the nights I have fallen asleep by 10pm from exhaustion. Pretty much every night I have gone running on the beach which is amazing. I love running on the beach! The only super exciting thing I have done this week is done my first pub crawl. The theme was Cowboys and Indians. It was so much fun!
Ready for Pub Crawl 113!

At the bar in Mermaid Beach
I talked to my mom a few days ago and she is curious of what everything looks like where I am living so here are a few pictures of the place I like to call home until December.

Broadbeach, a 5 minute walk from my apartment.
No this is not a picture from a postcard or the movies.

A fun quote I saw at the chocolate restaurant in Pacific Fair.

Some flowers outside of Pacific Fair

The Meriton, the apartment complex I live in.

Jacqi and I at the ocean

Birds of Paradise
Well, that is all for now!
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2nd half of O week

Update! My suitcases are FINALLY unpacked and I am officially settled in. It only took a week, but it is done and it feels good to have everything unpacked.

At the last post I ended with leaving for tight and bright, so I will pick up there for this post.
Thursday afternoon and evening: Two of my roommates, myself, and three of our friends from Finland went to a house party by campus before heading over to Don's for the actual tight and bright festivities. It was at my friend Sam's house, and I met a whole bunch of new people that night. Nothing like a good 'ol tight and bright party to bring people together! At the party there was a lot of dancing, singing, game playing, and just fun.

Back: Me, Anu, Natalee, Assi, Linda, and Lacey
Front: Sue and Sally 
Martin and I

Sam and I

After we wrapped up with the party we all headed over to Don's for the actual tight and bright party. Tight and Bright is the most popular O week (orientation week) event at Bond, and the outfits people wear are insane! They also give out awards for best dressed. (keep reading!) At Don's everyone was drinking, dancing, and having a good time. At the end of the night before everyone heads over to the after party they give out awards for best dressed. My friend Sam (see picture) came up to me and told me to stay in the building because I was going to win a prize. Now, I am one that does not like surprises, and hearing this made me really confused and wanting to know what I was going to win. Well he came back and told me to go up by the stage because I won best dressed. I was so shocked because yes, my outfit was legit and pretty amazing (Thanks Lynae for helping me pick it out!), but there were a lot of really good tight and bright outfits out there. So, I had won one of the four best dressed prizes and got to model my outfit (complete with lime green suspenders). The prize that everyone got was a $50 bar tab at the nightclub for the after party! Now, $50 worth of drinks is way to much alcohol so I ended up sharing with my friends because there was no way I was going to let the $50 go to waste. 

Tight and Bright was a success!

Friday: Friday was a very laid back day. I ended up sleeping the majority of the day due to being out so late the night before, hit up the gym, hung out with some friends and just relaxed. Nothing to interesting.

Saturday: Saturday was a busy day. I ran some errands and then headed over to the TEAN Welcome BBQ over on the beach. After that was over I went over to Bond Uni Beach Day and met up with some of my friends. We did some swimming (the water was pretty cold), sun tanning, and a lot of relaxing. Later that night I went out with a bunch of my TEAN friends to a night club called Love. It is about a 5 minute walk away from the apartment complex. It was a lot of fun. The night life here is really knocking the socks off the night life back home and I love it! 

Sunday: Today is a day of relaxing. I did some cleaning and am getting stuff ready for class since classes start tomorrow!

Overall, I am loving Australia! I already told my parents (after being in Australia for 2 days) that I am moving here.

Anyway thats all for this time! 
<3 Melissa  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First half of O week!

Outside of campus

Hello hello!
I am still in the process of getting settled into the Gold Coast Apartment. One of my suitcases is completely unpacked, another is halfway unpacked, and the other well... I'm working on it. Enough about my suitcases; time for some Bond Uni Orientation week and some of the Aussie Lingo!

I have met so many people this week it is fabulous! On monday my TEAN friends and I went and were orientated with campus, received our ID's, toured the campus, and met friends. Monday night there was a toga party. It was so much fun! It started out at Don's, the local bar on campus, and then moved over to East nightclub in Broadbeach. The club is only about a 5 minute walk from my apartment. It was a lot of fun. I met a guy that literally looked like Tarzan. He was pretty awesome.

The classic Bond Picture

Tuesday my friend Jacqi and I went and opened up bank accounts and started the job search. A lot of restaurants around the Broadbeach area are hiring so the job outlook is pretty good. Later I just hung out with some of my TEAN friends and called it a early night.

Wednesday by the Water!

Wednesday I spent the majority of the day on campus. Before lunch time there was a International students seminar, and then went to Wednesday by the Water. Wednesday by the Water happens every week and there is free food and of course tons of water time. This wednesday by the water was at the pool instead of the lake. In the pool there was an inflatable relay race thing. It was fun. I got owned by one of my friends from Finland. Later that night we went over to a housing area not far from campus and had a barbie (grill out) with a bunch of people we didn't know. I made a lot of friends and had an amazing night.

A few of my new friends
We are awesome at taking pictures

Today is the tight and bright party on campus. I'm really excited to wear my neon outfit again and look like a fool. I'll post pictures when I upload them.

That my update for the beginning of the week. Now for the Aussie Lingo I've learned.
Barbie=grill out
Toilets= bathroom
Lifts= elevator
Cheers=Thank you
Goon (my favorite)= cheap boxed wine.


Those are the few word I have learned so far. I'll post more when I learn more.
Time to get ready for tight and bright!
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sydney Orientation week August 31-September 4

At Tamarama beach
G'day and hello from Australia! I have made it to one of the most beautiful places in the world! 

Before I start with the Sydney adventure I have a to wish a few people Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to one of the girls I baby sit for: Miss Nicole Schilling! Hope you have(had) an absolutely fantastic birthday and it is everything you wish for!
Happy Birthday to one of my best friends: Hosanna Rasmussen! Happy 21st Birthday my dear! We will have to go out when I get home! Hope your day was fabulous! 

I arrived in Sydney, after about 22 hours on 3 different planes, at 8 am on August 31st. The plane rides were not bad but just really long. I think out of all of them the longest was the flight from Chicago to LA. It was a little over 4 hours long but it seemed like it took forever! The flight from LA to Sydney left at 11:50 LA time on August 29th and it arrived in Sydney at a little before 8 am on August 31st. I am 15 hours ahead of Minnesota right now which is crazy!

On the plane from LA to Sydney I thought I was not going to have a problem sleeping. Well, my friends, it is really had to get comfortable in those plane seats for 14 hours. I ended up getting maybe 5 or 6 hours of sleep and was awake from 1:30 am all the way until the plane landed at 8am. Thank goodness for movies otherwise it would have made the trip so much longer! Here is a picture of Carolyn, Rachel, and I right before we landed.

Here is a play by play of how orientation in Sydney went
Wednesday August 31st after landing: Everyone on the group flight went and found their bags and then we left for the Mesonic center. We hung out here while our Sydney apartments were getting ready for us and while the group from Fiji flew in. They were delayed in Fiji for 6 hours. While we were waiting for that group to come in we went out and explored the city around our hotel/apartment complex, then we got our new cell phones. After that we headed off to the World Tower (the apartment complex) and got settled in. Everyone was so excited to nap and shower since we were all exhausted from the flight. Later that night the group that was already there went and met up with the Fiji group back at the Mesonic Center. Later that night everyone went out to supper at Darling Harbor. I did not make it to supper because I was super dizzy from the plane ride and just needed to sleep it off.

Thursday September 1st: This day was the group tour of the city. We walked around Sydney all morning and went to parks, Martin Place (they film the Australian Today show here), and to Wollamaloo Harbor. At the harbor we had a lunch composed of Tiger pies. They are like a chicken pot pie except for the inside was a roast beef kind of meat with gravy and on top was mashed potatoes, peas, and gravy. They are delicious. Below is a picture of a meat pie
After lunch we went through a park that had wile cockatoo's. Our orientation leader, Matt, brought bread and everyone got to feed the birds. It was hilarious and these birds are huge!
After feeding the birds we went and and saw the Sydney Harbor, Sydney Opera house, and Sydney Bridge. It is BEAUTIFUL!
One of my favorite pictures from Sydney
We saw it from the Botanical Garden which is one of the most beautiful gardens ever. This place beats the socks off of the arb at GAC. After that we went and saw the Opera House from a distance, later we went up close and saw it. The picture below is my Sydney roommates and I pyramiding outside of the opera house and the bridge.

After that we went to our final location... the Sydney Bridge Climb. It is a 3 hours bridge climb and it was so much fun! The views from up there are amazing! My group was the last group to go and we got to watch the sunset from the top of the bridge. Now if you ever go on the bridge climb, do not drink before hand, everyone has to take a breathalyzer test before they are allowed to go.

Friday September 2nd: This day we went on the coastal beach walk, went to a wildlife animal park, and had a orientation seminar. The seminar was in the morning and then we went to the animal park to see koalas, dingos, wallaroos, wombats, and kangaroos. It was a lot of fun!

After the animal park we went on the coastal beach walk. On the walk we went and saw three of the beaches in Sydney. It was absolutely beautiful! The water is so blue it is crazy. Our tour ended at the famous Bondi Beach which is the most popular beach is Sydney. Here we were taught surf safety and what to do if we find ourselves in trouble.
Outside of Bondi Beach- Sasha, Reina, and I

Bondi Beach
Later that night I went out with 2 of my Sydney Roommates to a local bar called The Establishment. It was really fun and the guys there love the American accent it is crazy! They were all super nice too!

Saturday September 3rd: This morning started out with the TEAN version of the Amazing race. We started in Hyde Park and went all of Sydney. My group started out strong until the last leg when we were supposed to take a ferry from Sydney Harbor over to Luna Park (the amusement park that looks like Coney Island). We ended up getting on the wrong ferry and ended up sitting on it for 2 hours. The views were beautiful, but we never made it to the Luna Park. That night we went on the Sydney Harbor cruise. It was fun seeing the Sydney all lit up.

Sunday September 4th: This day was travel day to our permanent home, the Gold Coast. The group flew out of Sydney at a little after 1 and we arrived at our new homes, Broadbeach apartments at around 5 pm. My roommates and I went out grocery shopping last night and all had supper together in our room. It was delicious.

Monday September 5th: (Happy 24th Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Love you both! <3) Today we are getting settled in and are heading over to campus to become familiar with our new school. Not sure what the rest of today will bring, maybe some shopping and sight seeing but who knows!

Also! For those of you who are wondering where I am living and want to send me things (my 21st birthday is September 29th hint hint) here is my address

Melissa Plamann
Meriton Apartments
2669 Gold Coast Highway
Broadbeach, QLD 4218

<3 Melissa