Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

It truly is difficult being away from all of my family and friends this Thanksgiving, but I am thankful for the opportunity I have gotten to spend this fall 2011 semester in Australia. I am thankful for all of the people I have met, the places I have gone, the things I have gotten to see, the things I have gotten to do here, and of course my family and friends back in the States. I am also thankful for my roommates for saving me a plate of food for when I get home from BUFTA rehearsal tonight since I won't be able to take part in Thanksgiving festivities with them and our other International friends.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and gives thanks for the many wonderful things in their lives :)

  <3 Melissa

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm not here for a long time. I'm here for a good time!

Alright, so I officially have one month left in Australia. This is a crazy thought. I really don't know how I feel about this to be honest. The whole experience has been phenomenal and I'm loving every minute of it. Yes, I have had my fare share of problems, but that is all part of the experience right? However, I am very thankful for my friends and family back in the states, and my friends here in Australia that have helped me through the bad times. So thank-you to you all :) And I'm not here for a long time but for a good time anyway (George Strait's song has become the theme song for my trip).

There really is not much to update on for this week. BUFTA and homework have taken over my life this week. Although, I did make it to the beach for the first time in a month. Nothing like a sun burn in November! Next weeks post should be a little more entertaining because of BUFTA on friday. Anyway, here are a few pictures from the week! Enjoy!

Ash on the steady cam

Birgette, Elise, and Melissa

Me, Elise, and Melissa

Frida aka Elvis, Me, Elise, and Melissa

Out for Sigrid's birthday!

Santa in Australia. Not sure what to think about this one.
That is my week! Pretty chill and laid back. This upcoming week I have 3 BUFTA practices, BUFTA, BUFTA after party, and rock climbing! Might have a video post for next week, but we will see what happens. 

And for those wondering when I get home, I will officially be back in the states at 9:30 am LA time (and will have a normal phone again at that time) on December 19th, but I won't be back in Minnesota until 11:30pm that night.

Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life is one big party.

Hello hello!
So, my previous post have been all about partying and things like that, this one isn't going to be any different. Truth be told even my classes are one giant party. I mean come on now how could life not be a giant party when living in the OZ?

This week in my TV studio class we produced our own show. Our show is called Wednesday Night Live, and the kids in my group are so much fun to work with. The past three weeks we have been hard at work planning out show, and our teachers have pretty much just let us loose in the studio. It is pretty awesome. Anyway, this week we finally made the actual production of the show. Its turned out really well! I was in charge of set design and running the prompter. Here are a few pictures from wednesdays shoot.
The set

The other half of the studio

Elephant statue!!!

Set designers

Us with the set

On camera

Elise and I felt a little special seeing our names on the screen.

Chris and Ariane the hosts of Wednesday Night Live
On Thursday in my sport coaching class I learned how to play rugby. It was pretty fun! I now know some of the kicks, throws, and passes used in NFL and AFL rugby.

Thursday night some of my friends and I went to Waxy's for $2 beers. There really are not interesting stories from that night but here are a few pictures.

Me, Jeff, Brenna, and Jacqueline waiting for the bus.

Jeff, Brenna, Jacqueline, and Payton

Payton and Jacqueline

Brenna, Jeff, and I

Me, Payton, Brenna, and Jacqueline

We tried to get a running total on how many beers 7
 of us finished off but they kept on taking away the empty bottles.
On friday night I went out with my friends Karina and Natasha. We went to the nightclub SinCity over in Surfers. It was a lot of fun! Again, no interesting stories from that night either.

This week has been pretty chill, next week I'm going snorkeling so keep reading!
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Beauty Lies in the Eye of the Beerholder"

Hello Hello!
Week 8 of classes is over. Whoa! Week 8? How in the world have I already gone through 8 weeks of school? It seems like just yesterday I was in Sydney for orientation. Time is flying by! Not sure if I like that yet or not.

Before I forget! I want to wish my little brother, Tony, a Happy 17th Birthday (again)!! Love you bud!

So, this week at school was the 2nd half of midterms so I was very busy writing papers, staying up late, and pulling my hair out (no I didn't actually pull my hair out) from frustration trying to get footnotes to work on my Australian History paper. I eventually got it figured out thanks to one of my TV1 teachers. (Thanks Kristian!) All in all I survived midterms and went to celebrate with a weekend full of fun!

For the past few weeks my TV1 class has been working hard on our magazine show. Ours is called Wednesday Night Live. We are shooting the whole thing this week and next week, but here are some pictures from set up last week.

Attempting to get the couch out of the editing room

putting the legs back on the couch

Brooke, Danica, and Ariane hanging out in the studio

Part of the set


Thursday night consisted of going to the USA vs. ROW (rest of the world) basketball game. USA lost unfortunately, but a few of us, in true American fashion, cheered as loud as possible and were the loudest fans at the game. ROW has nothing on us in terms of loudness, literally. After the game I met up with my friends Laura and Sarah and we went down to Surfer's Paradise (this is the bar and nightclub scene of the Gold Coast) to a place call Waxy's Irish Pub. They had $2 Budweisers until they ran out. It was lovely drinking American beer because Australian beer is kind of crap. It was a lot of fun and I'll defiantly go back.

A few weeks ago my friend, Laura, went hiking in the Burleigh rainforest by herself and was taking in the views at the first lookout spot when this huge black and yellow spotted snake come over the rocks and towards her while she is sitting the bench. She booked it out of there so fast because the snake was bigger than a full grown boa constrictor. Laura told me this story before wine studies and I told her I wanted to go hiking in there and she said she would go and hike it with me. So, on friday I met Laura and Sarah in Burleigh and we went and hiked in the rainforest. Laura was freaking out as we went in because she did not want to see the snake (we didn't see the big black one). We went to the spot where she saw it and were afraid to go past because we didn't want to see the snake. Literally, everything we saw in the forest made us scream. It was kind of a disaster. Anyway, a random Aussie guy approached us and started talking to us and hiked up the rest of the way with us. We made it to the top and took in the sites and it was gorgeous! I even got to see a whale! It was jumping out of the water too! It was so cool. Didn't even think about the snake when we were at the lookout, but then we started to make the trek down and that changed. Our random Aussie friend, Damion, was going to go and check out another lookout spot that you had to climb over stuff to get to, so Laura, Sarah and I were going to go back to the top look-out when I saw this huge brown snake with a checkered pattern on it. It was a little over 3 feet long and just chilling on some rocks. I saw it first and yelled Snake! Snake! Snake! and booked it to the top lookout (why I didn't go to the exit I have no idea why). This snake was huge. After seeing it we got out of the rainforest as quick as possible. I'm not going in anymore rainforests for awhile.

On the walk to Burleigh


Heading into the forest.

At the top look out

On Saturday, my roommate Lacey and I went to the Burleigh Brewing Co. in Burleigh Heads for an afternoon of beer tasting and touring of the company. It was really cool! I've been to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery in St. Lousi, MO and the Burleigh Brewery is about 500 times smaller than Anheuser-Busch. Everything at Burleigh is done by hand, except for the bottling process which is done by a machine. While touring we got to taste 4 of the beers they brew. Now these Australian beers were by far the best Aussie beers I have tasted (it is probably because they are brewed by an American who moved to Australia). They were so good! My favorite was the HEF. It is a german lager which has banana and clove flavors. It is delicious!

HEF beer

On Sunday, my friend Laura and I went to the Good Food and Wine Show in Brisbane. It was a lot of fun and we tasted quite a few wines and sampled a lot of delicious foods. It was cool tasting the wines because I was able to pick out the different flavors and grape variety in some of the wines (guess the wine studies class is paying off!) After that Laura and I went and walked around Brisbane for a bit before catching the train back to the Gold Coast.

South Bank, Brisbane
This past weekend has been a lot of fun. Not sure what this upcoming week/weekend brings, but I'm sure it will be something fun! I'll leave you with this picture of the sunset taken from my balcony. Enjoy!

The sunset from my balcony
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa