Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life is one big party.

Hello hello!
So, my previous post have been all about partying and things like that, this one isn't going to be any different. Truth be told even my classes are one giant party. I mean come on now how could life not be a giant party when living in the OZ?

This week in my TV studio class we produced our own show. Our show is called Wednesday Night Live, and the kids in my group are so much fun to work with. The past three weeks we have been hard at work planning out show, and our teachers have pretty much just let us loose in the studio. It is pretty awesome. Anyway, this week we finally made the actual production of the show. Its turned out really well! I was in charge of set design and running the prompter. Here are a few pictures from wednesdays shoot.
The set

The other half of the studio

Elephant statue!!!

Set designers

Us with the set

On camera

Elise and I felt a little special seeing our names on the screen.

Chris and Ariane the hosts of Wednesday Night Live
On Thursday in my sport coaching class I learned how to play rugby. It was pretty fun! I now know some of the kicks, throws, and passes used in NFL and AFL rugby.

Thursday night some of my friends and I went to Waxy's for $2 beers. There really are not interesting stories from that night but here are a few pictures.

Me, Jeff, Brenna, and Jacqueline waiting for the bus.

Jeff, Brenna, Jacqueline, and Payton

Payton and Jacqueline

Brenna, Jeff, and I

Me, Payton, Brenna, and Jacqueline

We tried to get a running total on how many beers 7
 of us finished off but they kept on taking away the empty bottles.
On friday night I went out with my friends Karina and Natasha. We went to the nightclub SinCity over in Surfers. It was a lot of fun! Again, no interesting stories from that night either.

This week has been pretty chill, next week I'm going snorkeling so keep reading!
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

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