Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why are people leaving?! This is not ok.

Hi all!
Alright so this is not an update of what I did this week as that will be later in the week and because I should be studying for my wine studies final right now, but I need to get something off my mind. So, this week one of my roommates, Natalee, left and it really hit home that I will be leaving here on Monday. Yes, Monday. This is depressing! Granted some people left before her and it wasn't a huge deal because I still had a week before I had to leave, but the morning she left something just wasn't right. Now my roommate Lacey leaves early on Saturday morning and Ruth and I are going to see her off to her airport shuttle. I am anticipating being an absolute mess when Lacey leaves. No idea why, but I am going to be. The tears will most likely be flowing. This is literally insane. I have known that this day was going to come really really fast, but I never thought it would be this fast. It is very bitter sweet. I am ready to come home and see all my friends and family, but I don't want to leave the place I called home the past 4 months. It is surreal. I am most likely going to be a complete mess when I come home because of the culture shock, and right now it feels like I'm coming home for Christmas and then coming back here, but instead I'll be going back to Augie. Now I love Augie, don't get me wrong, but Bond has been my home Uni for the last 4 months. The adjustment is going to be very difficult (and I'm not just talking weather change difficult). Ugh. I don't want to leave!

We did a heavy duty cleaning of our apartment today and it looked like what it did when we all moved in here. I wanted to cry. This is not OK.

Tomorrow night before Lacey takes off for home, Rut,h Lacey, and I are making pizza and watching movies and then getting Max Brenners and eating it on the beach and then coming back to the apartment to watch more movies before sending Lacey off. Its going to be fun but very sad at the same time.

All in all I leave on Monday. These past four months have been incredible and I am going to cherish the memories forever! For everyone back home be ready for a picture/my parent's wine party when I get home. I have lots of pictures to share! Anyway, I have to get back to studying for my wine studies final. Ha! Never thought I would ever wish finals week was longer.

See you soon!
Later Gators
<3 Melissa

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