Sunday, October 23, 2011

Midterm Mania!

Homework? Is there actually such a thing that exists in Australia? The answer to that, my friends, is yes, it indeed exists. The universities actually give homework, and there is a such thing as class in this fabulous continent filled with blue water and white sandy beaches. Now I know many of you think that I do not study and only party, but that is not the case. I just don't bother to talk about homework because homework is homework and there really isn't anything exciting about it. Anyway, it is midterm time at Bond University, and in the next two weeks I have 1 presentation, 1 test, and 2 papers due! Yay! So, I will be busy, busy, busy these next two weeks, and the library is going to be my best friend. There is the studying update, now on to the more exciting things I have done this week :)

This week completed week 6 of uni. Holy Hannah! Six weeks of class has already gone by, and I only have less then 2 months left here. That is insane and I might cry. My classes are becoming a little easier because I am more comfortable in them. They are all still awesome, and TV studio is still my favorite class out of all of them. To prove that I am not slacking in work here is a picture of one of my wine tasting evaluations. For each wine(not flavor, but bottle) we taste we have to fill out one of these sheets. We start with sight, then smell, then taste/feel, then state our overall observation, and finish with which meal we would pair the wine with. Sounds easy, but it is super difficult (week 4 was the worst for wine tasting, I don't think my nerves have ever been that frazzled).  
Looks like fun huh?

This week my mom sent me pictures of Eddie, my older sister's 2 1/2 year old Sheltie. I love him and miss him a lot! Plus with a face like this it is hard not to love him, so I must share it!
Eddo's sleeping on my bed, well now his bed it seems like.
My big adventure this week, before midterm madness started, was to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Three other girls and I went to go and visit the animals and do the ropes course. I literally turn into a 5 ear old when I see the animals, and it becomes a lot worse when there are baby animals. When we walked in we saw some koalas. Koalas have become my new fascination for some reason, probably because of how fluffy and cute they are. Then we went to visit the Kangaroos. There was a joey chilling in his momma's pouch that decided to poke his head out and say hello when we were there. It was adorable. After the Kangaroos we went and did the ropes course. I have never done a ropes course before so this was a new adventure. It was so much fun I cannot wait to do it again! My friend Jacqui is a master at them and actually zip lines upside down (at this place she wasn't able to unfortunately). After the ropes course we went and saw more of the animals and then came home. It was a lot of fun and I'll be going back soon for sure! Here are a few pictures from Currumbin!

Doing the Emu walk. Yes I am a freak.

Baby joey!

Pre-ropes course

These lizards were everywhere!

Ohana <3


Dingo eating a box.

On the forest walk.
That is my adventure this week!
Homework calls...
Later Gators!
<3 Melissa

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