Saturday, October 8, 2011

We like to party, yeah we like, we like to party.

Alright, so many people know the popular 1990's song We Like to Party by Venga Boys, and that is the only song that is playing in my head as I write this post. As you can probably tell from my previous posts Australians love to party and drink. It is the lifestyle here and trust me I enjoy it (but not as much as some other people are).

Happy 20th Jacq's!
This week was my friend Jacqueline's 20th birthday. We went out for dinner and drinks at a Mexican restaurant, and rode the monorail over to the casino. I live right across the street from the casino, but we were feeling adventurous and decided to take the monorail. It was one of our guy friends first time on the monorail, and he made for some good entertainment. Upon exiting the monorail he tried to go though the entrance gate and ended up running into a wall. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard or seen other people laugh so hard before.

This week in my TV studio class we got our assignments for BUFTA (Bond University Film and Television Awards ceremony). This is a huge event at Bond where they invite students from all over Australia who have entered in their short films or been nominated to win awards. One lucky student is awarded a full ride scholarship to Bond to pursue a Film and Television degree. It is a huge event and I'm the stage manager for the live show. So, while everyone back in the states is celebrating Thanksgiving, I'll be working at BUFTA so have some extra turkey and stuffing for me :)

On Friday I went and celebrated Oktoberfest in Brisbane with my friends Steph, Cody, and Laura. Just like at any Oktoberfest there was German Beer and spirits, sausage, and men in lederhosen and women in dirndls. They even flew in an authentic German band from Munich to play German tunes all night and weekend long. It doesn't get more German then that! 
Steph, Cody, Me, and Laura in the cut-out face picture thing.
Enjoying a German Beer!

When we were there Steph and I ran into some Australian guys dressed in Lederhosen and they invited us to sit and chat with them. Sitting and chatting with them turned into joining their group for the night. Later on a group of three German guys joined our group (they did not wear Lederhosen though). Towards the end of the night everyone ended up on the dance floor enjoying the music and dancing the night away. Perfect way to top off the first night of Oktoberfest!

<3 Melissa

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